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All About GMOs

GMOs Overview

“The other twists its huge head into shot – revealing scales of bright, lustrous, metallic green.  A long body, coiling and sinuous, with five glitter-dark eyes – and a feathery crest like some strange bird. A Quetzalcōātl. A dragon-serpent…..”

About half the known population of The City count themselves as Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs). Beings who might once have been humans, monsters, or perhaps something stranger. The GMO races have all undergone some kind of change, often profound, that has made them more (or less) than human. Often with plantlike, animal-like, or alien features. Or simply extra eyes, ears, noses, tails, or limbs in general.

In short: GMOs are a broad, broad, category of anything ‘not human’ but not quite odd enough to count as a monster, or anything odder.

Degrees of Modification

GMOs range wildly in rarity, type, beauty, and so on. However, they normally all get lumped into one of the following boxes:

Zipper is a fairly typical ‘Demi’.

Types of Modification

As wild and varied as GMOs are, humans love to divide things into boxes – and that is what they have done. the result is a strange kind of hierarchy of distinct subgroups that all overlap far more than anyone wants to admit. Particularly the groups themselves. These are:

The Gene Sculpted

“How do you feel about…. wings?”

What if you could redesign your body? If you could transform it in any way, or shape, you pleased? Would you do it? And what would you choose?

Known as ‘Mods’, or ‘Sculpts’; The Gene Sculpted are people who choose to be remade, reborn, and redesigned by a Genetic Architect. Easily picked out from other GMOs, Mods are unusually pretty and coherent in their body-designs. Normally these include aesthetic touches, colours, patterns, and so on that GMOs don’t normally have.

Becoming a geneSculpt can be as cheap (and slow) as injecting nanites from a vial in a vending machine. Or it can be as expensive (and fast) as hiring an expert, or AI, to remake you from the ground up. Sculpts are generally looked down upon by other GMOs as ‘pretenders’, and can be seen as traitors (or weirdos) by humans.

Be warned, that modifying your body without a full genetic check-up is a good way to end up as a Gone Wrong.


She coils on the table. Tail wrapped around her. Slatted eyes, narrow.

They may be scally, furry, or have wings – but most GMOs are simply born that way. This makes ‘Natural’ GMOs the most common and accepted kind. Most are brought up in a clan, district, or caravan of similar GMOs – and often develop their own distinct cultures and norms as a result. These vary wildly, and are frequently at odds. The most primitive being between GMOs who are racially at odds. Rats and cats. Wolves and prey. Snakes and Avian.

However, there are some common elements. Most ‘act their species’ to some degree, and Naturals (including Demis) typically never wear shoes – seeing them as a ‘human thing’. Fullforms tend to dress minimally, if at all. Around half the clans shun cybernetics entirely. Some major types of Natural GMO include:

This is just a small selection of the full menagerie of racial alliances in The City, some of which have coalesced into city-states. Including:


Synthetic, inorganic, lifeforms are not typically counted as GMOs, but can fully resemble them. This leaves them in a strange kind of limbo, despite appearances. Synthetics that look like GMOs may appear more abstract in design, with feathers that float free; unattached to their wings. As such, they often resemble Esoterics – who take a lot of inspiration from their designs.

The Synthetic Alliance would like me to remind you that Synthetics are not cyborgs, robots, or AIs and should not be treated as such.


“That’s a nice…. uh…. whatever that is.”

Most define mutants as ‘humans with extra human bits’ – such as extra fingers, arms, legs, or hair. But, in reality, this can apply to literally any GMO species. For example: an Avian with extra wings where wings shouldn’t grow. A cat with extra eyes. A Drakkin with extra tails.

‘Mutant’ is a hazy category; since any type of GMO can be a mutant, and all mutants blur the other GMO categories. Especially Fullforms, though they often deny this strenuously. This means most mutants aren’t seen as mutants, and the rest are lumped in with ‘Halfers‘. Who, in turn, distance themselves from the other subtypes of GMO.

Mutants have their own subtypes, including:

Other Types of GMO

While this list seems extensive, it is only a small selection of the wider world of The City. Most of which has not, and will never, be fully explored. What wonders, horrors, oddities, and madness can we claim lie somewhere out in the depths?

Who can say.

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