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Zipper – The [Drone Tek]


About Zipper

Zipper is an extremely easy-going gamer-guy with a light aura of mischief. His friends often treat him as the ‘face’ of the group, but his occasional stutter seems to hold him back from that role. Zipper is typically friends with everyone, but is often at odds with Kami. Doesn’t want to talk about the time she tried to flirt with him, and he shot her down too hard.

Zipper’s life is his games, his drones, and his tinkering. Uploaded knowledge and overlays from his implant makes him an instant expert at most machines, and a decent hacker. His ability to manually control an entire army of drones, individually, is one of his oddest talents. Spook and the others think it makes him somewhat superhuman. But as to what caused and created this ability? Only time will tell.


Favourite Games: Changes constantly.

Favourite Bands:

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